Day 362 - Tired & Proud
Traveling with an electric car from Los Angeles to San Francisco can be an experience (to say the least) especially if it is a hot day out-there in the middle of nowhere (it was!) and especially if the car cannot be charged at Tesla charges. But, having In-N-Out burger shops along the freeway can fix any troubled mood and one can even forgive the unknowledgeable staff of Electrify America (oh, it sounds so Grand, but it is so not well ran), but not Mercedes Benz for selling a car and promising that charging will be a no issue. Anyway… we successfully made it to San Francisco for the grand opening of my sister’s new restaurant - The Hungry Spot! I am so proud of her and happy for her… I wish her all the success, but most importantly, I wish her the wisdom to manage her business while able to take care of her well-being and health. Break a leg!